Print this guide to make sure this accessory is the right size for you.

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Print this guide to make sure this accessory is the right size for you.
Open the clasp and use a flat screwdriver to shift the band, then close the clasp.
This band is made from surgical-grade stainless steel and has a stainless steel connector.
This band is not water resistant. This band may discolour with prolonged contact with sweat. Learn more.
Make sure there are no metal objects, such as jewelry, nearby as you charge. Unplug the charging cable after charging is complete.
This band is made from surgical-grade stainless steel and has a stainless steel connector.
This band is not water resistant. This band may discolour with prolonged contact with sweat. Learn more.
Make sure there are no metal objects, such as jewelry, nearby as you charge. Unplug the charging cable after charging is complete.
Swap your band out
First, slide pin to remove band. For best experience, slide band towards yourself instead of pulling straight out. Then, insert pin. Slide it to insert band.